an over due post by the way...
I didn't know there was this museum until recently
i am so into goin to the ARTie Fartie side
cos i happened to chance into museums exhibition for free...
not to mention that i am also taking arts management as a module!
a fun class that is not to be missed
anyway, back to topic
cos Mf BF just got free tix to the Peranakan museum
it's a very nice place to experience peranakan tradition all in one go
and rich in culture till now
in the museum, there's alot of displays and interactive videos for us to know more of their culture and the different people to share their stories!
so chinese, so malay... so fusion of many cultures into one!

My cam whoring on the reflections of the different stuffs in the musums

tata! looking forward towards another exploration of museums in Singapore
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