Friday, August 15, 2008

my night out yesterday with Mr BF and Hadi
spend on Mr BF's daddy's car...
Hyundai Tucson
not a bad SUV


so comfortable!

we went from Bukit Panjang to Tampines IKEA to AMK(My house) to Changi Airport to East Coast Park to Home....

just to spend some fuel to half tank for his dad
going to send this car back
no more TUCSON after tommorrow.

Hadi tryig to get used to driving such a big car

MR BF driving without a lisence.... nah... he onli made turns in the carpark...

ferries wheels...

nice sunset from school... that evening

to Mr BF:

sorry about my temper and attitude towards you these few days
something is not right... haiz...
i dunno what is happening to me
but just bear with me k?
you are the sweetest guy on earth that can tolerate my self centred-ness
i love you! muacks!

to Fareez:

you want me to kick your ass?
come show me your ass la!

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