Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CSLA Dinner - Community Service Learning Award Dinner

Mr Bf, Zhi Jie and Nureez was the photographers for the event...
Mr BF came just wanting to be with me every moment...
so sweet!

the awards....

table 11 from Project Vintage

went to 2 service learning project... gotten an award for one of them... not bad! =) anyway, i've drifted apart from Xpedition Khmer i guess... but i really missed the times we had there in Cambodia... Even though there is many teams that went to the same, i guess it's different as you are going with different groups.

i got a little bored with Wan Ning

My award...

the award recipients from Project Vintage

Me and Wan Ning. Thanks her for accompanying me!

posing with cute cupcakes from Miss Nora

the cupcake is so cute! i can't bare to bite on it... i took like 15min before i peel the wrapper

but in the end, i decided to finish it with Mr BF

see his evilness

after the dinner, Mr BF went to dance practice

Mr BF tired...

me and cute cup cake!

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