Thursday, July 31, 2008

Updated 3 post!!
My fun-filled weekends!
Although i'm not feeling very good
scroll down for more! =D


Followed Mr Bf and his family to the Singapore Garden Fest!

Me, Mr BF, and little sister and baby cousin, taken by his dad

had a hard time that day cos i wore a super uncomfortable shoe! and gave up taking photos but to just rest my legs.

i went with Mr BF again on Wednesday to do more intense macro using my 90mm telemacro lens! fully manual!!! and having a super hard time!!!
but i love it cos my photos turned out well! =D cos we spent like almost half the day there!

my different poses while taking shots of the flowers... taken by Mr BF!

me and my 90mm lens...

me at a very unglam position... trying to get a stable position to get my photos!

taken by Mr BF! the other photographers who seems to be taking the same thing... hahah... just finding it amusing!

me and the Kranji Gardens Ambassadors... Mr BF force me to take photos with them... one is pink, the other is green... photos in black and white cos the photos is too dark... =)

me and Mr Bf's favourite landscape

me and the twin towers... with my camera between my legs...

trying to pose that typical pose ppl do...

i personally like this random shot from Mr BF! look so not me!

me and orchids.... Mf BF seems to be allergic to them... cos he kept sneezing when we enter the 4th level where all the orchids are... but even though he's sick he still had super steady shots(he force me to mention it here) opps... hehe...

see you again! and p.s. i got 2 new plants! and 2 new catus for the deco of my new room design in construction...

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